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24th Jul 2021

August set for baking month as thunderstorms head for UK this weekend

Danny Jones

As if it wasn’t bloody ‘ot enough already

The UK’s July heatwave is expected to extend into August as the Met Office predicts more sun and high temperatures to follow the thunderstorms later this week. Britain’s baking one day and bombing it down the next.

Although the current heatwave is set to cool off this weekend – with thunderstorms predicted across much of England and Wales – the heat is set to dominate the rest of August, according to forecasters. Time to buy that fan.

Yellow weather warnings have been issued for much of the UK on Saturday and Sunday when the thunderstorms are expected to hit, with Stephen Dixon stating: “Early next week it is looking like there will be some unsettled weather across large parts of the UK, particularly in eastern areas”.

“Looking further ahead, from 5 August onwards, mixed conditions are looking most likely with no particular dominant weather type. It is likely that from that date, there will be some drier spells and some showers and periods of rain.

“But as we head more towards the middle of August, it is looking likely that more settled and dry conditions will develop.”

Speaking to The Independent, Dixon said it looked likely that warmer and drier conditions will develop for much of the UK and althgough “[t]hat doesn’t translate into a specific prediction of another heatwave […] it is possible warmer conditions will develop”.

The office issued its first-ever heat warning this past week, with people all over the UK scorching in the sun; the hottest temperature recorded was 32.2C, which was clocked at Heathrow Airport in west London. Northern Ireland hit an all-time record of 31.3C in Castlederg, County Tyrone.

The Yanks might be making fun of us as we sit and moan about the heat but we’re not built for it and neither are our homes, so intend to whinge about the heat and then cry when the sun goes and it starts raining again, thank you very much. It’s simply the British way.