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20th Dec 2016

BBC presenter is sick live on air the day after their work Christmas party

Imagine heaving to the nation like this...

Alan Loughnane

We’ve all been there…but not really.

Have you had your Christmas party yet? Chances are it was a messy night with events going down that you’d rather not even try to remember.

There’s that age old saying, what happens at a work Christmas party, will follow you to work the next day…


Earlier this month, it’s speculated that BBC weatherman Tomasz Schafernaker was at his work Christmas party the night before and had the unenviable task of presenting the weather on the breakfast show on BBC Radio 4.

During the shipping forecast a wave a nausea came over him that no amount of fist clenching and repeated swallowing was going to be able to stop.

His voice broke and he mumbled an apology before his co-host had to take over.

Video via Mirror News

He took to social media later that day to reassure listeners that he was in fact fine, and had to leave the studio in order to be sick.

It happens to the best of us…

