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12th Aug 2020

Ben & Jerry’s calls out Priti Patel over UK’s treatment of migrants

Wil Jones

The UK Twitter account of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream has caused a stir by criticising home secretary Priti Patel.

Ben & Jerry’s British account tweeted: “Hey Priti Patel we think the real crisis is our lack of humanity for people fleeing war, climate change and torture,” followed by a thread of links highlighting the plight of migrants and the horrible circumstances that cause them to flee thier homes.

“Let’s remember we’re all human and have the same rights to life regardless of the country we happen to have been born in,” they continued.

They finished the thread with: “And once more for the back: PEOPLE CANNOT BE ILLEGAL.”

The tweets reportedly provoked an angry reaction from Patel.

“Priti is working day and night to bring an end to these small boat crossings, which are facilitated by international criminal gangs and are rightly of serious concern to the British people,” said a Home Office source, as reported by BBC News.

“If that means upsetting the social media team for a brand of overpriced junk food, then so be it.”

Former Conservative Party Chairman James Cleverly also expressed his feelings on Twitter.

Cleverly tweeted: “Can I have a large scoop of statistically inaccurate virtue signalling with my grossly overpriced ice cream, please?”

Formed by Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield in 1978, Ben & Jerry’s has a history of being outspoken on social issues. Earlier this year, following the killing of George Floyd, they released a statement that called on Americans to “dismantle white supremacy“.

“All of us at Ben & Jerry’s are outraged about the murder of another Black person by Minneapolis police officers last week,” read the statement, “and the continued violent response by police against protestors. We have to speak out. We have to stand together with the victims of murder, marginalization, and repression because of their skin color, and with those who seek justice through protests across our country. We have to say his name: George Floyd.”