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09th Nov 2021

Boris Johnson seen maskless in hospital despite MP cases rising

Danny Jones

At least he remembered to tuck his tie in

Boris Johnson is facing criticism after he was pictured walking around a hospital maskless despite covid figures still rising.

The Prime Minister visited Hexham General Hospital in Northumberland on Monday November 8 – somewhat ironically to promote booster jabs – and whilst colleagues at the facility were all wearing face coverings, Johnson opted to give it miss.

There are significant increases in covid statistics almost across the board, with an 8.2 per cent increase in deaths, 3 per cent in hospitalisations and still more than 30,00 cases reported daily.

What makes this even more surprisingly – or perhaps not at all given the backlash – is that NHS Northumbria Trust, which the hospital belongs to, came out to defend the PM.

They “assured that infection prevention and control remains an utmost priority for our Trust”, before insisting, “the Prime Minister Boris Johnson followed strict measures, including wearing a mask, in each clinical area he visited.”

While the are images of Johnson wearing face coverings in subsequent pictures, the breach of the hospital’s clearly stated guidelines (the same as any other in the UK) was already made – a quick nudge from an adviser to put a mask misses the point.

The Justice Secretary Dominic Raab went on BBC Breakfast on Tuesday to similarly defend his decision not to wear a mask, insisting that the PM “followed all the guidance that was given to him from the moment he was at the hospital”.

Evidently not.

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