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02nd Nov 2021

Boris Johnson to fly back from Glasgow to London despite COP26 climate warning

Charlie Herbert

On Monday, the Prime Minister asked fellow leaders to act now to save the planet

Boris Johnson will be flying back to London from the COP26 summit in Glasgow because the train back would “take too long.”

The news comes just one day after the Prime Minister had made a speech (November 1) at the summit calling on world leaders to make COP26 the “moment we get real about climate change.”

Johnson has defended the decision to fly back to the capital, saying that his plane use is “sustainable” and that emissions produced will be offset.

When asked about the decision for PM to fly back, his spokesman said: “The fuel we use for the flight is sustainable and the emissions are offset as well.

“It is important that the Prime Minister is able to move around the country and we have obviously faced significant time restraints.”

According to the Independent, they added that the charter plane used for the flight emits only half the carbon dioxide (CO2) of other aircraft – but did not clarify what type of plane it was.

The spokesman said that the plane is “one of the most carbon-efficient planes of its size in the world” and produces “50 per cent less CO2 emissions than, for example, the larger Voyager plane” which Johnson often uses.

They explained this was possible as the plane uses a “specific type of fuel which is a blend of 35 per cent sustainable aviation fuel and 65 per cent normal fuel – which is the maximum amount allowed – and, obviously emissions, will be offset.”

Despite these claims, it is estimated that a plane still emits seven times the CO2 of a train journey.

Just last week in the budget, the government came in for criticism for making flying within the UK cheaper, whilst train fares continue to be extortionately high.

On Monday (November 1), the PM spoke at the opening ceremony of COP26, saying: “The people who will judge us are children not yet born – and their children. We mustn’t fluff our lines or miss our cue.

“If we fail they will not forgive us. They will judge us with a bitterness and a resentment that eclipses any climate activist of today. And they will be right.”

Chancellor Rishi Sunak defended his decisions to cut air passenger duty on domestic flights. claiming that it would be offset by raising duty on long-haul flight abroad.

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