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10th Apr 2018

Theresa May has not been invited to the royal wedding

The Prime Minister will not be attending on May 19th

Wayne Farry

Theresa May has not been invited to the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

The Prime Minister is among a host of past and present political leaders who have missed out on an invitation to the social event of the year, with both current American president Donald Trump and predecessor Barack Obama also missing out.

A spokesperson for Kensington Palace revealed that the wedding – which will take place on May 19th – will feature a guest list restricted to friends and family of the couple.

“It has been decided that an official list of political leaders –  both UK and international – is not required for Prince Harry and Ms Markle’s wedding,” read a statement.

“Her Majesty’s Government was consulted on this decision, which was taken by The Royal Household.”

Despite the invitation policy, the couple has invited a number of members of the public to the nuptials, which will be held at St. George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle.

In total, 2,640 will be in attendance including former soldiers, charity and social workers, primary school students and members of the royal household.