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20th Aug 2024

Bully appears to be coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X

Zoe Hodges

Fans could be getting excited too soon

An age rating for the classic ‘Bully’ has appeared in Taiwan, possibly hinting that a new version of the game could be on the way.

Rockstar’s ‘Bully’ is almost two decades old having been first released in 2006 and every year there seems to be rumours about a remaster, remake or sequel.

Rockstar has never made any reference to the rumours but this time the game has been listed again by the Taiwanese age rating board.  

That usually happens when a new game is set to be released and implies it will come out soon, however, there has been no official announcement.

The listing was published this month and states the game is for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

There is no mention of the Nintendo Switch or an up-to-date rating for the Xbox 360.

Though some fans were excited over the prospect of a remake or remaster the rating change more than likely is due to the GTA+ subscription service adding Bully to its list of games.

The game has also been listed by the Australian age rating board further indicating that something is going on but again this could be GTA+ related.

It is unclear why the new age ratings would come after its addition rather than before.

The last release of the game happened in 2016 when an iOS and Android version were released but there were no new console versions.

The best chance of a remaster would be after the release of GTA 6 next year, which has been the company’s priority in recent years.

It is Gamescon this week and though Rockstar Games very rarely have any involvement in such an event, perhaps they could make an exception for ‘Bully’?

