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31st Jan 2022

Car button de-ices windscreen in seconds – but many drivers had no clue about it

Charlie Herbert

Put that ice scraper down

A video on social media has highlighted a button that de-ices your car windscreen in seconds – and most people had no idea it even existed.

We’ve all been there. You’re running late one winter’s morning, you rush out to your car only to realise you’ve got a sheet of ice to scrape off the windscreen before you can go anywhere.

Well, rush no more – because one TikTok account has revealed the simple way to de-ice your windscreen and it requires no elbow grease whatsoever.

Experts at Driving Test Success showed how you can clear ice off the windscreen of your car by simply activating your car windscreen fan, which will heat up the glass from the inside and help to melt the frost.

In the company’s recent video, they explained: “Frozen windscreen? Put the temperature on high.

“Put the front windscreen fan on max. The ice will start to melt from the heat. Wipe away excess water and return the fan to normal.”

Now, whilst some of you may be reading this and going “yes, obviously, how do people not know this?”, it seems that there are many who were unaware of this simple ‘life hack’.

One commenter said: “Wow, magic! The ice is gone.”

Another thanked the account for the help, writing: “I’ve learnt so much thanks to your app!”

Not everyone was impressed though.

One person wrote: “Wastes more fuel. Just get [out] and scrape it off you lazy so and so.”


The AA has also encouraged road users to “turn on the warm air blower” and “heated mirrors” to clear frost cover quickly and safely.

Their advice is: “Start the engine and turn on the warm air blower on the windscreen. Switch on the rear windscreen heater and heated mirrors, if you have them. Turn on the air-con. It’s not just for summer – it’ll remove moisture from the air to stop the car from misting up.

“Don’t use your hands to wipe misted-up windows – you’ll leave greasy smears and a diamond ring could scratch the glass. Use a lint-free absorbent cloth if necessary.

“Stay with your car the whole time while the engine’s running.”

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