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07th Sep 2018

Carlsberg replace plastic can holders with recyclable glue that will save 1,200 tonnes of plastic a year

Lianna Carini

Carlsberg are doing their bit for the environment by changing the packaging for their multi-packs of lager

The beer brand have announced that they will soon be getting rid of the familiar plastic wrapping that holds multi-packs of cans together – and replacing them with recyclable glue.

The glue will be strong enough to hold together the cans from shelf to home, but with a simple twist, the cans will separate.

This new method of packaging will reduce the amount of plastic by 75% – that’s 1200 tonnes of plastic a year.

Carlsberg’s decision to make this change was inspired by an increase in companies changing their packaging to environmentally friendly and recyclable materials.

The importance of recyclable products has come to light in the more recent years, particularly since David Attenborough’s Blue Planet II was released later last year.

Attenborough’s  7-part series on the world’s oceans brought to light a serious problem our planet has.

Tens of thousands of whales, birds, and turtles are killed every year due to the amount of plastic litter that finds its way into the sea. Often sea-life mistake the plastic for food and ingest it. This stays in their system for the rest of their lives as it cannot be digested and eventually kills them.

This inspirational series pushed forward the importance of recycling to preserve our planet and its wildlife.

Carlsberg’s Head of sustainability, Simon Boas Hoffmeyer, said:

“Our wildlife is drowning in plastic – and the problem is unfortunately growing considerably.”

“We therefore need to act now. We need less plastic to end up in nature. That is why we consider it huge progress that Carlsberg is now launching solutions that significantly reduce the amount of plastic in its packaging.”

Carlsberg hope that this new change will influence many other companies to do the same – making a change to our planet one drink at a time.