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09th Mar 2022

CCTV shows drunk woman smash neighbours’ cars with 3ft pick-axe handle over parking row

Steve Hopkins

Annette Kealy was said to have gone ‘absolutely stark raving mad’

A drunk woman was captured on CCTV smashing up her neighbour’s car with a 3ft long pick-axe handle in a row over a parking spot.

Jobless Annette Kealy had downed wine and whiskey before attacking the Ford Focus before moving on to batter two more cars on February 3.

The 56-year-old smashed two windscreens and dented the bonnet of another car after going berserk at around 10.45pm a court was told.

CCTV footage shows “short and angry” Kealy battering neighbour Richard Breakwell’s Ford Focus in Worcester.

Breakwell, 55, who lives in a flat above Kealy in Stanhope Court, said: “She just went absolutely stark raving mad.

“I mean she was raging, like some kind of wild animal. I really couldn’t believe what I was seeing.”

The 55-year-old said that he could see Kealy had a “huge piece of wood and was smashing up the cars”.

“She must have hit them a hundred times or more,” he claimed.

Breakwell said he went outside to confront his neighbour and saw her “smacking the bonnet again and again”.

He said Kealy ignored his calls to stop attacking his car, even after he threatened to call the police, “she kept hitting the cars and swearing at me”.

Kealy only stopped when her boyfriend stepped in and led her away.

The incident cost Breakwell £1,000 to replace the windscreen and pay for repairs.

Kealy pleaded guilty to three counts of criminal damage and admitted assaulting Richard when she appeared at Worcester Magistrates’ Court on March 4. She was fined £200 and ordered to pay £100 in compensation to each of the three victims of the criminal damage and a £34 victim surcharge.

Kealy was also ordered to pay a further £50 in compensation to Richard.

Breakwell, who is “still out of pocket” because of the excess on his insurance, still doesn’t know what made Kealy so mad: “I just don’t understand it. There is no designated parking so we can park in whichever space is free.”

The court heard Kealy flew into a rage because she believed her boyfriend’s parking space was constantly being used by three of her neighbours.

She claimed the spot was either used by either Breakwell, Bruce Powell’s grey Honda CVR, or John Spinetto’s white Audi A3.

Spinetto, a retired music teacher, said he was “very disappointed, shocked and angry” about the incident.

The 71-year-old added: “She was drunk at the time and she thought her boyfriend should be able to park where he wants which is just wrong.”

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