Ground Chuck may be 83 years young but he ain’t going anywhere.
Yes that’s right lads and ladies, Chuck Norris is back and he’s looking to get a role in the upcoming Dodgeball sequel.
Back in 2005, Ben Stiller famously appeared in the first ever episode of Ricky Gervais’, Extras. In one particularly funny scene, as Stiller plays a fictional version of himself, he talks about the greatness of his movie Dodgeball, but wonders how many times a person can watch Dodgeball before needing something new.
He asks the question, what then? Gervais’ character jokingly mumbles: “Make Dodgeball two?”
Well now folks, it appears our wishes have come true.

In 2014 a sequel was confirmed but things went into a hiatus for a long while until 20th Century Studios announced that it was going to happen.
As you are all more than well aware, Vince Vaughan is set to reprise his role as Peter in the sequel, with Ben Stiller returning too.
In the original movie, numerous different celebrities performed as themselves in different creative ways and Chuck Norris was one of the most memorable ones.

Speaking at Nashville Comic Con in 2023, Norris said that he’d love to feature in the sequel, saying: “I haven’t gotten a call about it yet, but it’d be a lot of fun to make a return appearance.”
Make the call. It’s got to be done. It has to be done. Chuck Norris has to feature in Dodgeball Two.