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14th Mar 2022

‘Cold-blooded killer’ stalking New York streets shooting random homeless people

Danny Jones

It is thought the same individual could be responsible for attacks in DC

A “cold-blooded killer” currently operating in New York City is thought to be targeting homeless people sleeping rough on the city’s street as a string of shootings and deaths have been reported this month.

As reported by the likes of CNN, the deaths of at least two homeless men have been reported in New York and the US capital, Washington DC since March 3 – the rationale being that these attacks could be linked.

As you can see above, local CCTV footage captured images of the main suspect in DC but he has yet to be identified; photos were also acquired on the streets of New York, showing a man in a balaclava fleeing the scene with a gun in hand.

Two attacks in the Manhattan area were carried out between 4am and 6am on Saturday, March 12 – with one man thought to have survived. Meanwhile, the three DC attacks were carried out over a number of days (March 3, 6 and finally, 9).

In Washington, the homeless killer’s final victim came on March 9, when a body was found in a burning tent, having been shot and stabbed to death. Local authorities who have witnessed video footage described it as “horrific”.

Issuing a statement on Sunday night, NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell said “Our homeless population is one of our most vulnerable and an individual preying on them as they sleep is an exceptionally heinous crime.”

A manhunt is now being coordinated between the two cities, with New York Mayor Eric Adams dubbed the video as “chilling” – adding “we need to find this person, and we need New Yorkers to help us”. In DC, Mayor Muriel Bowser is urging people in both cities to come forward with any information they might have.

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