It’s one of the most popular names in the nation.
Outside of the Emerald Isle, English speaking folk really struggle with many of our most beautiful names.
Names like Ruari, Aoibheann, Saoirse, and Cliodhna see many English minds implode with confusion.
Even names like Paraic, Daithi, Cathal, and Aine can bring the smartest New Yorker to tears of obscurity.
But believe it or not, the name which is most mispronounced across the world isn’t Aoife or Eithne or Siobhan. Nor is it Niamh or Sile or Blaithnaid. But Sean.
Sean is the most mispronounced in the world.
Yes that’s right, after a study was conducted by WordFinderX, who analysed data from Forvo, a website that helps people learn to pronounce words by providing them with playable audio clips, they found that Sean was the name which had been searched the most.
Sean was entered into Forvo an unbelievable one million times, making it the most requested name on Forvo by around 200,000 listens.
In second place was the Basque name Xuxa, pronounced “Shoo-shuh”, which was entered into the site 802,000 times.
In third place with 696,000 listens was the Latin name Victoria, while the Spanish name Francisco and the Greek name Plato rounded out the top five most mispronounced monikers.
Not sure how you mispronounce Francisco or Victoria… Or Sean for that matter. It’s really not that hard.
And if there are any readers out there who are unable to pronounce Sean correctly then we would advise you to seek help immediately.