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18th Aug 2021

Creepy footage seems to show ‘ghost soldiers’ running across road at Gettysburg

Charlie Herbert

“We saw these shapes moving in the darkness, they were the size of humans.”

Footage taken by tourists visiting the famous American Civil War battle site of Gettysburg appears to show two ghost-like figures emerging from the darkness.

Greg Yuelling and his family went to the battlefield in September last year to visit the place of one of America’s most historic episodes, but ended up taking some pretty spooky footage as well.

Yuelling, a store manager from New Jersey, said he was driving along the road at night when he and his family spotted “figures moving in the darkness.”

He managed to capture some footage though, which you can see below.

He said that the moment was so scary that one of his uncles who he was with rolled the car window up.

Yuelling said: “We just went there as tourists, to learn more about the history of the Civil War and see the old battle ground, where the Gettysburg Address was given and all that stuff.

“We were driving along one night and we started hearing noises, I heard things to the left and my uncle heard things to the right, and there was a fog, but the fog was weird, it was only in one patch not dispersed.

“Then we saw these shapes moving in the darkness, they were the size of humans, one of them ran right through the cannon.

Gettysburg ghost soldier
Credit: SWNS

“It was weird, it was scary, it was crazy… my uncle got so scared he rolled up the window.

“We went back and watched the videos over and over again, and then we blew them up on the big screen to get a closer look.

“That made us even more freaked out.

“It was really exciting, but I also got this strange, ominous feeling, like something was telling me to go back there. I couldn’t go to sleep but I was creeped out, so I didn’t go.”

The Battle of Gettysburg took place in July 1863. It is one of the most infamous and bloodiest battles in American history and one of the turning points of the civil war.

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The battle lasted three days and ended with more than 50,000 casualties. Four months later, President Lincoln returned to the scene of the battle to deliver his famous Gettysburg Address.

The battleground is now one of the most popular historical destinations in the US, and considered by many to be one of the most haunted places in the country.

And Yuelling now counts himself amongst those who believe in ghostly Gettysburg going ons.

“I’ve heard people say you can catch videos of ghosts around there,” he said, “but we were so skeptical until that night.

“I always questioned the validity of those ghost videos you see on TV, I was always pretty disbelieving.

“I believe everything now.”