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15th Sep 2022

Dad buys newborn son a $2.8m yacht and $34.6k worth of designer clothes

April Curtin

It’s his seventh child

A foemer Below Deck star, and one of Britain’s first gay dads’, has treated his newborn son to a $2.8milion yacht, as well as nearly $35,000 worth of clothes. The baby’s been gifted a couple of million as well.

Barrie Drewitt-Barlow, 52, and his 27-year-old fiancé Scott Hutchinson, welcomed Romeo Tarquin into the world last month.

Drewitt-Barlow, from Manchester, rose to reality TV fame when he starred on season two of Below Deck alongside his ex-hubbie Tony. The pair became one of Britain’s first gay dads in 1999 when they welcomed twins Saffron and Aspen, followed by Orlando, Jasper and Dallas.

In August, Drewitt-Barlow welcomed his seventh child into the world alongside Hutchinson, who used to go out with his daughter. It is the couple’s second child together, the first being Valentina, who was born in October 2020.

Ex-hubbie Tony, who lives with Drewitt-Barlow in a £10m mansion, is also expecting another child.

Breaking the usual tradition of buying a baby some toys, a few knitted hats and a shed load of nappies, Drewitt-Barlow and his fiancé went all out – buying Romeo his own yacht, which they named after him, and a stack of designer clothes.

Speaking to The Sun, Drewitt-Barlow said he has “literally bought every designer that you can imagine,” listing Burberry, Versace and Dior amongst others.

And talking about his new yacht, ‘Romeo’, Drewitt-Barlow said: “It is currently in Miami where Saffron [my eldest daughter and Romeo’s half-sister] is boarding with her new boyfriend and heading over to Cuba and the surrounding islands for two weeks.”

Romeo’s sister Saffron also spent $11,500 on clothes for him before he was born, and another $23,000 after, which her dad said was going “totally over the top”.

The couple have set up a trust fund for Romeo, because they want to give him “the same start in life as the other kids”.


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“Tony [my ex] gifted him $1.15 million and I matched it for him, we will obviously build up a nice portfolio of things for him over the next few years,” he added.

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