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31st Jul 2023

Daredevil famous for high-rise stunts dies after falling from 68-storey skyscraper

Charlie Herbert

He became trapped on the outside of a penthouse

A French daredevil famous for climbing skyscrapers across the globe has died after falling from a building in Hong Kong.

Remi Lucidi fell from the 68th floor of the Tregunter Tower complex in Hong Kong after reportedly getting trapped outside a penthouse.

The 30-year-old arrived at the building in the evening and told security that he was visiting a friend on the 40th floor, investigators said.

According the South China Morning Post, Lucidi made his way to a top floor but got trapped outside the building.

A maid noticed him frantically banging on the window to get someone’s attention, but he then lost his footing and fell.

Remi became trapped on the outside of a penthouse before falling off the building (Instagram/remnigma)

The security guard who allowed Lucidi into the building had attempted to verify the daredevil’s claim that he was visiting a friend, but Lucidi managed to get into the elevator before he could be cross-examined.

The maid called the police when she saw the stuntman knocking on a penthouse window on the 68th floor of Tregunter Tower at about 7.30pm.

His camera, which contained footage of extreme sports, was found at the scene by police.

A cause of death has yet to be confirmed by authorities.

Remi shared a picture of the Hong Kong skyline on his Instagram shortly before his death (Instagram/remnigma)

The owner of the Tsim Sha Tsui hostel where the Frenchman was staying told the South China Morning Post he had been “healthy and fit and happy faced”.

“I feel very sad,” Gurjit Kaur added.

Shortly before his death, Lucidi had shared a photograph of the Hong Kong skyline on Instagram.

According to his social media page, Lucidi

Some of his Instagram posts show him standing on top of skyscrapers.

Lucidi shared pictures of him at the top of skyscrapers he had scaled. This post from June 2023 was captioned ‘Above the sky, 425m’ (Instagram/remnigma)

Lucidi started climbing skyscrapers in 2016, and since then has performed stunts in locations such as Bulgaria, Portugal, France, Ukraine and Dubai.

In a photo posted on Instagram on 16 July, Lucidi took a selfie while hanging off the side of a building in Gabrovro, Bulgaria. He captioned the picture: “Life is too short to chase unicorns.”

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