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20th Dec 2021

Doctor issues warning over key Omicron symptom that occurs when you’re sleeping

Danny Jones

If you notice this while trying to sleep or when you wake up, it’s time for a test

A doctor has revealed that many people could be experiencing a key symptom of Omicron while sleeping and may not realise

Speaking to Lorraine Kelly on her self-titled ITV show, Dr Amir Khan pointed out that one of the key Omicron symptoms that have been detected ever since the strain broke out in South Africa is night sweats.

While most of us have probably experienced night sweats at some point in our lives – after all, it’s a common symptom among most flu-like infections – Dr Khan went on to say that there is a particular level of sweaty sleep that you should be noticing.

Citing the five key symptoms being monitored in South Africa and now in the UK, he urged people to be alert to “A scratchy throat, mild muscle aches, extreme tiredness, a dry cough and night sweats.”

South Africa Omicron testing

He then went on to say that while some sweatiness after sleep is normal and has therefore been overlooked by many, the kind of “drenching night sweats where you might have to get up and change your clothes” is a clear sign you may very well be infected.

With the UK breaking a record of more than 93,000 daily cases on Saturday, over 10,000 of which were said to be the Omicron variant, vigilance is more important than ever to stem the spread of the virus.

There are now warnings that people could still be contracting Omicron even if they have tested negative on the less reliable lateral flow test – hence why proper PCRs are vital in ensuring you are healthy and not spreading coronavirus.

Moreover, one man’s demonstration of his four lateral flow tests hours apart shows just how quickly you can turn positive and that is why medical professionals like Dr Khan are emphasising why it’s so important that “we keep on top of these symptoms” if we hope to not only keep track of Omicron cases but keep on top of covid as a whole.

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