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22nd Feb 2018

Drivers who make ‘rude hand gestures’ could face a severe punishment

Bus wankers

Oli Dugmore

If you let your road rage get the better of you then you could be in for a serious penalty.

Motorists who make rude hand gestures could be fined £1,000.

A maximum fine of £1,000 could apply to drivers for tiny acts of aggression, like a “rude hand gesture.”

The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 means that you can be prosecuted for “disorderly conduct” with a fine of up to three quarters of your weekly salary, capped at a grand.

Flicking the Vs could also lead to prosecution for “not being in full control of a vehicle,” one hand on the wheel is not 10 and 2 o’clock.

The jury’s out on whether Jay from the Inbetweeners’ immortal “bus wankers” line constitutes disorderly conduct, or what his weekly salary would constitute after one day’s volunteering at the old folk’s home.

During questioning by the London Assembly Transport Committee Jeremy Vine said he had witnessed up to 40 motoring offences during his daily bicycle commute.

The BBC presenter was shouted at and told he would be knocked out during a road rage incident in 2016 for which Shanique Syrena Pearson was given a nine-month jail term after being convicted.

Mr Vine said in another case a driver was fined £3,000 after knocking him off his bike.