It was always going to cause some controversy.
But it seems like everyone of all political stripes is pissed off after watching the BBC’s ‘Why We Voted Leave’ programme on Panorama.
In just 30 minutes the news piece managed to anger viewers across the spectrum as Adrian Chiles was sent to investigate why so many people voted Brexit in his native West Midlands.
With Brexit voters branded ‘idiots’ by some and certain parts of the media claiming many EU Referendum voters were suffering from post vote regret or ‘Regrexit’, Chiles went to hear from real people.
You can watch the episode here on BBC iplayer, but even before the show had kicked off people were kicking off that Chiles was fronting it…
Biggest revelation in #panorama is the need for WeBrexit to send Chiles back to West Bromwich for good.
— Porphyro (@LustySpring) July 4, 2016
@DouglasCarswell @bbcnickrobinson if BBC wants to prove it's neutral why use a children's and sports host Adrian chiles for brexit analysis?
— Tiger Easy (@TigerEasyX) July 4, 2016
I think @AndrewMarr9 can rest easy after that effort from Adrian Chiles #whywevotedtoleave
— Jasper (@BorderJasper) July 4, 2016
Except for Steve Tanner, that is…
Enjoyed #panorama tonight. Chiles an excellent choice.
— Steve Tanner (@swissroll) July 4, 2016
People were criticising how the BBC made the Panorama programme…
That must be on the BBC…. Oh yes, how did I guess. #panorama
— banthebbc 𝕏 (@banthebbc) July 4, 2016
Remainer logic: I'm middle class and don't have to compete with a polish guy who'll do my job for less so I'm right you're racist #panorama
— George (@davisLFC1) July 4, 2016
Wow! @BBCPanorama A bizarre choice of Adrian Chiles(!?) and some of the least informed and bigoted Brexiters. Dismal stuff…
— Dr Vicky Harris
(@DrVickyHarris) July 4, 2016
What a stitch up by the BBC & Adrian Chiles, what a poor representation of #VoteLeave voters, will never trust Panorama again #BBCPanorama
— Scott (@Nogimics) July 4, 2016
These people would never have been heard if remain had won, why didn't they make program like this before the vote? Bastard BBC #panorama
— Shadow Banned Man (@PamelaLizzie) July 4, 2016
How very disappointing standard of #panorama tonight, just collection of sound bites to annoy both leave/remain camps #bbc #euref
— Donncha (@Donnchad) July 4, 2016
This guy did made a very good point about the Remain campaign…
#panorama More people showing lack of respect for leave voters. If they hadn't been ignored over years maybe we would have remained..
— Smithy (@smitha34970) July 4, 2016
But some watching the half-hour programme were quick to drop the ‘R’ word on Twitter…
Scary scary stuff on #Panorama…lack of information and racism seem to be the key reasons for #Brexit
— John Brennan (@MILLER2010) July 4, 2016
'I'm not racist but…' #panorama
— Andy (@andyr87) July 4, 2016
Could the 'leavers' being 'interviewed' come across anymore racist #panorama
— ELFootie (@emmilfoo13) July 4, 2016
The division shown on Twitter highlights ugly thoughts on both sides, intolerance is clearly everywhere #panorama
— Alex (@amazing_average) July 4, 2016
Many of the arguments talked about EU immigrants taking up jobs, using services, overcrowding schools and hospital waiting lists.
But many were quick to point out this could be more a result of the austerity cut backs spreading services thinner rather than the fault of the EU or migrants from the continent…
So depressing. People just describing problems caused by austerity. #panorama
— Nick Smith (@NickJISmith) July 4, 2016
Watching #panorama it's interesting how many have allowed our own government to get off entirely without blame.
— Alan Dudman (@AlanDudman999uk) July 4, 2016
Fuck me that was depressing. All these people have been let down by everything, sold a lie and lashed out in the wrong direction #Panorama
— A Human Ape (@MrHominidae) July 4, 2016
Seems like most people voted leave due to UK government issues not EU issues! They just assumed it was EU
— K (@Mr_Kishan) July 4, 2016
Tonight's #panorama is absolutely terrifying. Why are folk describing problems caused by austerity and blaming immigration? Jesus wept.
— David Brockett (@DavidBrockett) July 4, 2016
So many instances of people blaming problems that have little to do with immigration on immigrants #panorama
— Dave Robinson (@davidrobbo66) July 4, 2016
#panorama Rather than blaming immigrants, blame unscrupulous employers offering substandard wages & conditions.Leaving EU won't improve that
— Caroline O'Connell
(@Gruaig_Rua) July 4, 2016
Basically when people finish blaming migrants & EU for our government own failing in 4years time, they'll realise it's the elites #panorama
— CJ (@SeeJayThinks) July 4, 2016
There were some people who really enjoyed the programme though…
Really thoughtful @BBCPanorama by Adrian Chiles illuminating why West Brom voted overwhelmingly to leave. appreciated hearing real voices
— Margaret O'Hara (@quizicist) July 4, 2016
At last a sensible programe from the @BBC well done #panorama
— Mike (@blacktaxicab) July 4, 2016
Great show on BBC1 #panorama so proud of everyone who had the guts to vote leave
(@Dibz666) July 4, 2016