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17th Feb 2017

Everyone was talking about this British-born man after Newsnight’s extraordinary discussion on Trump

Incredible TV.

Paul Moore

Incredible TV.

In what has been described as one of the most bizarre press conferences of all time, President Trump’s recent discussion with members of the media was even more combative and volatile than usual.

As is the norm, Newsnight discussed the fallout from Trump’s first solo press conference since taking office. In a remarkable interview, host Evan Davis chatted with the US leader’s Deputy Assistant, Sebastian Gorka, and it made for incredible TV.

When Davis asked Gorka if felt that Trump was “unhinged” during the recent press conference, Gorka said that it was “pathetic that the BBC would use words of that nature” and that it was a “fabulous press conference.”

Since winning the presidential election in November, people have noted that members of the Trump administration have a tendency to frequently refer to the margin of their victory, rather than discuss the important tasks at hand.

In recent days, Trump has even said that his victory over Hillary Clinton was the largest winning margin of the Electoral College system since Ronald Reagan, a claim that he was forced to contradict.

Gorka felt that the media are “getting obsessive” about fact-checking statements like this, and when he was asked why the Trump administration constantly refer to their election win, Gorka said that it’s only noticed by “journalists that don’t like him and have an agenda.”

Davis then asked about the conflicting reports regarding the U.S’s stance on the two-state policy in the Middle East and the recent departure of Michael Flynn from the White House. Gorka said that “there isn’t any disorder or chaos in the White House” and that the BBC had an “agenda driven question list.”

Here’s the remarkable interview in full.

Given the extraordinary nature of this interview, plenty of people were quick to comment.

Gorka has also had his say.

