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18th Aug 2021

Fans want Sean Lock’s hilarious obituary request to be honoured after his death

Danny Jones

For a man that gave us so many laughs, we say let him have what he wanted

While we were all saddened to hear of Sean Lock’s passing, from the moment the tributes from his fellow comics, industry peers and the general adoring public started rolling, it became clear just how many laughs he gave this country on a regular basis.

So much so, in fact, that one Twitter user dug up one of his many Cats Does Countdown clips where Lock gave a hilarious answer to Jimmy Carr‘s question, “what would you like your obituary to say?”, and fans now want that request to be honoured.

It only seems fitting that the ferociously funny man gets a send-off fitting of his unique, side-splitting sense of humour. Fans may only be half-serious but we can’t think of a better way to remember him.

Lock never struck audiences as one to cause a fuss: he was straight down the line in every from his jokes to their monotone delivery; a modest man who didn’t like drama but did like to get a laugh wherever he could.

Rest in Peace, Sean, and thanks for all the laughs.

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