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23rd Aug 2015

Finally, an iPhone battery that will last a long, long time


Wonder how much they’ll charge for it?

British company Intelligent Energy are working closely with Apple to develop a hydrogen-powered battery that would only needed to be topped up once a week.

This would be a real game-changer for anyone who uses a smartphone, as we all know that battery-life tends to be top of the list of things we’d change about them.

The rechargeable battery creates electricity by combining oxygen and hydrogen and creates very little waste.


Intelligent Energy have developed a prototype iPhone 6 that makes use of the hydrogen battery, which is charge via the headphone slot and requires almost no structural changes to the device in terms of size, shape and weight.

According to reports, the only major change would be a necessary rear vent for a negligible amount of water vapour to be released.

H/T: Irish Independent. 

