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13th Nov 2018

Now even the French Army is rinsing Donald Trump about raining off WW1 cemetery visit

Nothing but support for my troops Française

Oli Dugmore

Nothing but support for my troops Française

Donald Trump’s mauling for not attending a WW1 cemetery because of the rain continues. UK MPs, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and even seemingly the French Army have trolled the president of the United States.

Donald Trump did not fulfil a scheduled visit to a First World War cemetery because of the weather conditions.

Bad weather grounded the presidential helicopter and security concerns about a quickly organised motorcade for the two-hour drive out of Paris meant other senior officials were sent on the visit.

So, Twitter began peppering the president of the United States with pictures of his predecessor Barack Obama, in the rain.

And it would appear the French Army is now in on the act, mocking the president after his decision not to attend the war graves. A move which rings extra hollow considering his insistence that black athletes taking a knee in the NFL are disrespecting veterans.

French Army tweet

Accompanying the picture of a soldier and the hashtag #MondayMotivation was the caption: “Il y a de la pluie, mais c’est pas grave [it’s raining, but it’s not serious].”