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04th Aug 2021

Gary Lineker calls out Priti Patel over footballer’s deportation

Kieran Galpin

Lineker appeals to the Home Sec

Christopher Arundell dreamt of playing professional football from a young age, but he is set to be deported to Zimbabwe, despite a cross-party appeal to the home secretary Priti Patel.

The Arundells left Zimbabwe after they experienced three frightening burglaries – moving house after each incident. The last one, in particular, was brutal.

“I was taken out by a maid to go to the shops and then thieves came to the house, tied my mum up, and held her hostage and pepper-sprayed her and my six-month-old sister, while they removed goods from our house and took our car.”

“If I have to go back, I’m basically dead,” he said.

“This is the only place I’ve had a life. What do you remember from when you’re five?

“I don’t know anything but the UK. I went to school here, all my friends are here, all my family is here,” he explained to the BBC

Despite the cross-party plea for the football hopeful to remain, no news from the home secretary does not spell a hopeful future. But now, former football player and BBC pundit Gary Lineker has also spoken on the matter.

“Come on, let’s do the right thing here. We can’t do this, it’s awful,” he tweeted, tagging Patel.

Most recently, Priti Patel shipped criminals back to Vietnam in a new immigration crackdown, She said:

“I make no apology for removing criminals who are trying to cheat our asylum system, overstay their welcome or fuel crime in our communities. This flight removed serious foreign criminals involved in producing and supplying lethal drugs.

“These offenders will no longer be able to poison our communities, ruin lives and cash in on vulnerable people and the British people should know I will continue to do everything in my power to remove such appalling criminals from our country.”

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