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05th Oct 2021

George Floyd statue vandal caught on camera as police release footage

Charlie Herbert

The incident was also reportedly witnessed by an adult and child

Police have released video footage of a man vandalising a George Floyd statue in Manhattan, which had only been unveiled two days earlier.

The footage shows a skateboarder going up to the statue with a backpack on, before throwing paint over it. He then skates off, heading north from the park’s west side.

The New York Post reports that the incident is being investigated by the New York Police Department’s Hate Crimes Task Force.

The suspect has yet to be formally identified.

The skateboarder’s actions were also witnessed by a mother and child who were trying to take a photo of the statue.

The man in the video is pictured wearing a neon green T-shirt, khaki-coloured jacket, black knee-length shorts, white socks, black and white trainers, and was seen carrying a green rucksack. He is also wearing a black hat and is described as being of medium build, with a light complexion.

It’s the second time this George Floyd statue has been defaced. It was vandalised just days after being unveiled in Brooklyn earlier this year.

The monument was then moved to Manhattan Park.

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