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20th Jul 2021

GMB news crew baffled after French warship delivers them 13 migrants

Kieran Galpin

French ship assists migrants

The daily record of immigrants crossing the channel hit new highs today, with 430 crossings on Monday alone. A French warship escorted a group of thirteen into British waters before handing them over to a baffled Good Morning Britain news crew.

A French warship escorted a group of thirteen migrants crammed into a small boat into British waters before handing them over to a bewildered news crew this morning. Journalist Pip Tomson said that the French Warship escorted the migrants to the border before leaving them in the hands of the journalists.

Tomson said GMB alerted Border Force, which sounds like a superhero team, but also agreed to ‘observe’ the crossing. Border Force were busy handling other crossings, but twenty minutes later, they escorted the dingy to shore.

Tory MP for Dover, Natalie Elphicke slandered those crossing the border.

“Another day where small boats are brazenly crossing the English Channel and motoring onto our beaches. That’s why I am backing the new powers being debated in Parliament to turn boats around and action to stop small boats leaving France in the first place,” she told the MailOnline.

“Only when migrants and traffickers alike know that they will not succeed in breaking into Britain will the small boats crisis come to an end.”

This news comes as the Government are discussing plans to revitalise immigration laws. Home Secretary Priti Patel said the following about her new legislation:

“The Nationality and Borders Bill contains vital measures to fix the UK’s broken asylum system.

“Our new plan for immigration is fair but firm.

“We will welcome people through safe and legal routes whilst preventing abuse of the system, cracking down on illegal entry and the criminality associated with it.”

With clear skies and calm seas, more immigrants are thought to be preparing to make the cross to the UK.