The company will continue to search for fake fundraisers
GoFundMe has shut down a petition for $1 Million that seeks to raise money for Amber Heard to pay ex-husband Johnny Depp.
After a jury in Fairfax, Virginia, ruled in favour of Depp earlier this week, awarding him $10 million (£8m) in damages, a petition was set up to aid Heard, 36, in paying the money. According to Heard’s lawyers, she does not have the funds to pay the awarded amount.
Titled “Justice for Amber Heard”, the fundraiser looked to raise $1m (£800,000), which would be used to “help” Heard with “direct access” to the money.

“I believe Amber, and social media protected the abuser. The judgment exceeds her net worth. It’s so sad that he was able to get away with the abuse,” the petition read. “The judgment furthers that abuse. If you can please help her. She will have direct access to the money. I also contacted her attorney so they can loop her in.”
GoFundMe has since removed the post as neither Heard nor her legal team had set it up. The company also told TMZ that they would continue to look for fake fundraisers.
On the topic of the Heard V Depp trial, Dr David Spiegel who testified for Heard has broken his silence.
“I Testified in the Heard vs. Depp Trial. The Backlash Has Been Horrific,” he titled his op-ed in Newsweek, which many compared to Heard’s op-ed in the Washington Post.
A psychiatrist called by #AmberHeard’s team inferred that #JohnnyDepp was gaslighting Heard throughout their relationship. @LawCrimeNetwork
— Law&Crime Network (@LawCrimeNetwork) May 23, 2022
“The volume of it, from the personal attacks on who I am and what I present like, to what I look like and say, was obviously a little hurtful,” he explained. “My WebMD page has now been closed to comments, but if you looked at the site beforehand there were probably seven or eight reviews and all of a sudden on Monday, May 23 and Tuesday, May 24 there were hundreds, so it was pretty obvious what had happened.”
“Dr spiegel needs looking into after today’s performance! He looks and sounds like he is the one who needs psychiatric help,” wrote one scathing reviewer.
Related links:
- Johnny Depp chased in car after performing in Gateshead and announcing album with Jeff Beck
- Amber Heard’s lawyer says there is ‘no way’; her client can pay $10m to Johnny Depp
- Johnny Depp sought $50m in damages but won’t even get the $15m he was awarded