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31st Oct 2021

Greta Thunberg mobbed by supporters at COP26

Danny Jones

The young climate activist’s arrival has had quite the impact

Greta Thunberg has been mobbed by supporters and the press as she arrived at COP26 in Glasgow on Saturday night.

The 18-year-old needed a police escort, with a wall of nearly a dozen officers shielding her from fans, fellow activists and members of the media as she arrived at the global climate conference.

While the crowds were largely peaceful and supportive – we were pretty stoked ourselves – a few outliers and the sheer numbers did result in some small scuffles breaking out as she arrived as she exited Glasgow Central train station.

As you can see here, both police and members of the public attempt to clear space for the young Swede as she walks through a crowded area:

Nevertheless, overall, she was fairly happy with the overwhelmingly warm reception – Elvis may have left the building but Greta Thunberg is very much in the UK.

She told Andrew Marr on Saturday that she hadn’t even received a formal invite, adding: “I think that many people might be scared that if they invite too many radical young people, then that might make them look bad.”

Even prior to her arrival in Scotland, spirits seemed high as she was even welcomed by GMB Scotland – the nationwide trade union that joined her in calling for social and climate justice.

Thunberg rolled into Glasgow by train after having first popped up in London, where she joined a protest outside the Standard Chartered building in central London.

The banking and financial service company recently committed to reaching “net-zero carbon emissions from its financed activity by 2050”. Thunberg has often slammed multinational corporations and UN governments for their empty words and continued use of fossil fuels.

The demonstrations underway in London and Glasgow are just a few of many taking place across Europe against the backdrop of COP26 global climate conference

Various protests have been taking place in the UK, Italy, Belgium, Germany and more – with Greta herself having made an appearance at several – as European powers look to hold crucial talks regarding the ongoing climate crisis.

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