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28th Sep 2021

Haunted house actor stabs 11-year-old with real knife

Kieran Galpin

Pogozelski was reportedly using the knife to scare visitors

Jump scares are one thing – but one 11-year-old got too close for comfort after a haunted house actor stabbed him with a real knife.

Whilst walking through popular horror attraction 7 floors of Hell in Berea, Ohio, 11-year-old Frank got up close and personal with a 22-year-old actor Christopher Pogozelski, who was equipped with a large bowie knife.

Pogozelski was reportedly using the knife to scare visitors by dragging it across the ground – but the Halloween spirit must have got the best of him because Pogozelski began stabbing the ground beneath Frank’s feet, when he consequently sliced the side of his toe.

Frank’s mother, Karen Bednarski, told News 5 Cleveland that her son had been visiting the attraction with his sister and family friends. She said the actor walked up to them holding the knife with “intentions… to scare him”.

Bednarski said: “My son responded to him by saying, ‘That’s fake. I’m not scared.”

But things took a sinister turn as the actor began to stab the ground beneath the child’s feet. As a result, the knife pierced the boy’s sandal and sliced the side of his big toe.

Police were called to the crime scene, and the knife was confiscated as the actor said he had brought it from home.

The actor admitted that it was not the best idea but reiterated how it was an accident and never intended to hurt the boy. The boy’s mother, on the other hand, has disputed that it was an accident.

As a result, Pogozelski has been fired and the police have charged him. Frank’s wound was later disinfected in the hospital.

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