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18th Apr 2016

Hawaii is literally begging teachers to come and work in paradise

Ellen Tannam

Hawaii – also known asĀ one of the most beautiful paradises on the planet – is facing a big problem.

According to AP, the Hawaii Department of Education is seeking out 1,600 people to fill education and teaching jobs, as the state’s population ages and teachers retire.

The department is sending teams to big cities in the US including Chicago, New York and Portland.

That’s right: tropical haven Hawaii is literally begging unemployed people to come and work as teachers (probably under a palm tree at all times).

Corey Rosenlee is the President of the Hawaii State Teacher’s Association, and says it can be hard for the state to keep all the young recruits because Hawaii can be a pretty quiet place to live.


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The Department of Education is looking to fill vacancies in special education, secondary mathematics, and secondary science.

The best thing is that according to Dose, you don’t actually need a teaching certificate. All you need is a BA and some experience with children like babysitting or helping out on summer camps.

One last thing, the average teacher’s salary in Hawaii is Ā£38k. Nice.

Just going to drop a link to the vacancies here…


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