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08th Jun 2019

Couple beaten in homophobic attack on bus subject to abuse online

Wayne Farry

Some people online accused the couple of bringing the attack on themselves

The two women who were beaten and left bloodied after being attacked on a London bus following their refusal to kiss each other for a group of men have faced online abuse in the aftermath.

The attack occurred on a bus in Camden on 30 May and the Met Police are treating it as a hate crime. Arrests have been made in connection to the assault, according to police.

There has been an outpouring of support for the couple, Melania Geymonat, a 28-year-old flight attendant from Uruguay, and her girlfriend Chris, including Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and mayor of London Sadiq Khan.

However, the couple has also been subject to disgusting online abuse from bigots who accused them of ‘bringing it on themselves’.

One person said that the attack was “the price you pay for being gay”, while another person commented in a reply to a CNN story, saying: “Don’t do that in public. See now the results of being silly?”

In spite of the abuse they have received, the couple have stated that they will not be forced into hiding who they are by the violent and intolerant in society.

“I’m not scared about being visibly queer,” said Chris in an interview with the BBC.

“There are a lot of people’s rights at risk and people’s basic safety is at risk.

“I want people to feel emboldened to stand up to the same people who feel emboldened. I want people to stand up for themselves and each other.”