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02nd Sep 2022

Outrage after Hooters sponsor U10s football team

Danny Jones

A lot of people found the sponsorship inappropriate

Many people on social media have been left outraged after stumbling across a post by Hooter’s Nottingham restaurant sponsoring a local under 10s football team.

In a since-deleted post following the uproar, the Nottingham Hooters Facebook page shared a series of pictures announcing that they would sponsoring local kids’ football team Burton Joyce FC for the season.

As you can see in the caption above the photo of the Hooters girls posing with the young footballers, the post reads: “Hooters Nottingham are proud to be the new sponsors of Burton Joyce U10s. We wish you all the luck this season boys. Go smash it.”

Plenty commenting below the post found it to be completely harmless, citing that the girls featured are dressed in a lot less revealing attire than they typically are at the restaurant chain. However, others weren’t best pleased.

Beyond labelling it inappropriate, some said it was downright “disgusting” and suggested that the post raised concerns over introducing sexuality among a group of nine-year-olds.

While some were amused and quipped “LOOK HOW HAPPY THE LADS ARE” and “I heard the Dads, Uncles and Grandads where all in attendance to support the their kids”, the debate rages on.

Responding to a open-ended question from TV presenter and social commentator Jeremy Vine’s self-titled show, one mum who says her son is a grassroots players, said she understands “how difficult it is for teams to find sponsors” but acknowledged that it is Hooters’ reputation that has sparked the issue.

The chain of restaurant bars was founded in Florida on the back of a nightclub and has gone on to become famous not only for its signature hot wings but, above all else, its female waiting staff dressed in tight tank tops and short shorts.

The look was popularised by the original ‘Hooters girl’, Lynne Austin back in 1983.

Hooters has no qualms when it comes to showcasing its workforce as according to food outlet Twisted, the franchise’s unique selling point is “female sex appeal” and staff are only hired if and when they’ve signed an acknowledgement stating that “the Hooters concept is based on female sex appeal.”

Commenting below the Facebook post, one person remarked: “It isn’t the place it was 20 years ago. I’ve not been in for 20 years, but it’s not quite what people are thinking anymore.”

You can see their current recruitment video down below:

Neither Hooters of Nottingham nor the club have issued a response as yet.

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