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01st May 2021

If you were angry at Matt Hancock’s awful Guinness, you’ve been had

Simon Lloyd

Drink up. The fun’s over

Sad news, internet. That picture of Matt Hancock and his tragic pint of Guinness isn’t *quite* what it seemed after all.

An image of the Health Secretary, sitting in a beer garden cheersing one of his Tory pals was widely circulated over the last day or so, largely because of the horrendously poured pint of Guinness he was holding aloft.

Here, look. Disgusting.

Sadly, however, as much as many of us might have wanted it to be the case that Hancock had not only accepted the pint but then used it for a staged photograph, it turns out the truth was right there under our nose the whole time.

An image posted to Hancock’s social channels on Friday revealed the other, much more widely shared version was in fact a photoshop.

Disappointing, to be honest.

Several have since moved to debunk the hoax viral image, though the fact so many people thought it was actually genuine probably says something about how highly the folks running the country are regarded.

Time for a new one? Yeah, go on then.