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22nd Sep 2021

Insulate Britain protestors face imprisonment after judge grants injunction

Danny Jones

Protestors have been blocking the M25 for six days

An official injunction against climate activists Insulate Britain has been granted by the High Court upon recommendation from the UK’s transport minister, Grant Shapps, meaning they could face imprisonment.

The climate protestors have staged multiple demonstrations blocking various parts of the UK’s major M25 motorway, causing significant delays on five different occasions in the last week.

The Secretary of State for Transport posted this update to his Twitter, explaining how he had asked National Highways to file an injunction, which will be upheld should any members blatantly disregard law enforcement.

More than 30 arrests were made following the first protests around a week ago, with many more having been made since. The demonstrations have been labelled irresponsible and “selfish” by the likes of Home Secretary Priti Patel, having huge ramifications on people’s daily lives beyond being late for work.

Just yesterday, there were reports of a woman who was left paralysed after she had a stroke and her son could not rush her to the hospital in a timely manner due to the massive delays.