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25th Oct 2021

Insulate Britain protestors glue themselves to ground to prevent police arrest

Danny Jones

The protestors are quite literally sticking to the issue

Insulate Britain protestors are once again occupying roads and generally upping their levels of ludicrousness as they have now decided to glue themselves to the road.

Journalist Damien Gayle shared the footage to Twitter earlier today (October 25), showing a number of protestors using adhesive in an effort to prevent themselves from being removed and/or arrested by police.

As you can see below, officers are having to use solvents to combat the sticky situation:

The footage is taken from Southwark Bridge which runs across the Thames in the centre of the city – but the climate protestors are carrying out multiple demonstrations across London.

Here you can see more images of equivalent protests in Bishopsgate and one person trying to add some levity to the situation:

Demonstrations are also being carried out around Liverpool Street Station, marking three organised protests staged by the group which continue to campaign for proper insulation in all UK homes in order to reduce energy usage and emissions.

It seems the decision to glue themselves is a tactic being deployed by numerous individuals as LBC shared a video of another gentleman who glued his bare feet to the tarmac of the busy junction.

While the hope may have been to avoid arrest and cause even more disruption for the umpteenth time, the strategy hasn’t been foolproof but it is taking up significant police time.

A high court judge and the government have already warned arrests could be made among those flouting the law and, as you can see in this earlier LBC footage, they have lived up to that promise:

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