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03rd Aug 2021

Jeremy Clarkson says ‘if you die, you die’ after SAGE’s advice on reopening

Danny Jones

He even called them ‘Communists’. Clarkson is never one to mince his words

Jeremy Clarkson has taken aim at SAGE scientists (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) over their advice regarding reopening society following the end of lockdown restrictions.

Covid cases are dropping in the UK but there is still the fear that we could see a surge as people return to the workplace, nightclubs, other large gatherings and normal life in general.

After stating that he read pandemics usually tend to be around “four years long”, Clarkson went on to wonder whether it could go on forever, at least in terms of how the government and health experts implement restrictions to stem the flow of the virus.

“I think the politicians should sometimes tell those communists at Sage to get back in their box. Let’s just all go through life with our fingers crossed and a smile on our face. I can see Boris doesn’t want to open it up and shut us back down again. But if it’s going to be four years … and who knows, it could be 40 years.”

He went on to say that should it go on longer/indefinitely, “let’s open it up and if you die, you die.”

Clarkson has been doing plenty of press as he recently returned to screens with his Amazon Prime series Clarkson’s Farm and the Grand Tour: Lochdown special. He’s also been taking a dig at the Olympics in typically brusque fashion, calling shot putting, diving and dressage fringe sports.