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31st Oct 2021

Jeremy Clarkson says ‘woke’ Lewis Hamilton has ‘changed’

Danny Jones

Clarkson has once again criticised the F1 star

Jeremy Clarkson has yet again come out to criticise Lewis Hamilton, stating that he believes the Formula 1 racer has “changed” and become too “woke”.

Writing in his Sun column, the 61-year-old spoke about all things climate change, stating that “Trying to fix an entire planet by buying locally produced raspberries and insulating your loft is like trying to cure a cancer patient by trimming his eyebrows.”

His discussion surrounding the “green movement” then led him to discuss Hamilton, suggesting that the 36-year-old has taken “wrong turns” in his more recent career – those missteps seemingly being his passion regarding issues like the environment, racism and veganism.

Laying the supposed blame at the feet of environmental activists once more, Clarkson said that “The problem is that Lewis has changed” intimating that s0-called woke culture and its adjacent movements have apparently seen a once universal love turn to “booing […] everywhere he goes”.

He went on to say how, “After the murder of George Floyd, [Hamilton] had Mercedes paint the cars black, he talks about how he’s now green because he sold his jet and has urged everyone to be vegetarian.”

He claimed that aside from people having an affection his current rival Max Verstappen, people have now taken a “noisy dislike, commenting that “this is a problem for the green movement. They get Lewis to be a mouthpiece thinking he’ll convert the rest of us”, adding that, “instead, we all just want to throw something at him.”

With COP26 underway, Clarkson also suggested that the dialogue around global warming and environmental issues is wrong, stating that “the inconvenient truth is small steps just won’t cut it.”

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