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23rd Sep 2019

‘Jeremy Corbyn will be God’s gift to Remain’

Labour's Lord Adonis believes his party conference will fully back Remain in a second referendum, along with leader Jeremy Corbyn

Oli Dugmore

Labour’s Lord Adonis believes his party conference will fully back Remain in a second Brexit referendum, along with leader Jeremy Corbyn

Today’s the big day. The Labour party’s conference in Brighton will set its Brexit policy for the coming year and likely autumn general election.

A series of crucial votes will decide if Labour will campaign in favour of Remain during a second referendum on membership of the European Union. The regular party members are overwhelmingly in favour of continued EU membership. Jeremy Corbyn is not. In fact, he’s a lifelong Eurosceptic.

That vote takes place after speeches from John McDonnell, Keir Starmer and Emily Thornberry – some of Labour’s most vocal proponents for Remain within the shadow cabinet.

McDonnell said: “That’s why we aim to trust the people in having the final say on Brexit. A Deal or Remain. Some of you will know I have said I will campaign for Remain. But let me make it clear that I profoundly respect those who support a genuine alternative.

“In our debates today I want us to demonstrate in the respect we show each other and how we bring our party together just how we can also bring the country together again.

“But I warn those who would revoke Article 50 without a democratic mandate. Ask yourselves what message that sends to our people.”

A thinly veiled dig at the Liberal Democrats’ flagship policy, announced at their own conference in Bournemouth last week.

Lord Andrew Adonis is one of Labour’s most ardent supporters of a second referendum. JOE sat down with him ahead of the afternoon’s crunch vote to assess what it means for Labour and the upcoming general election.