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27th Apr 2022

Johnny Depp’s island manager says actor passed out in front of his upset kids after drinking

Kieran Galpin

Depp’s island is in the Bahamas

Johnny Depp‘s private island manager has testified in the star’s ongoing defamation trial, claiming that the actor passed out drunk in front of his kids.

After Depp previously admitted to being a victim of domestic abuse, island manager Tara Roberts took the stand on April 26. Appearing via video conference call, Roberts said that Depp frequented his private island in the Bahamas with ex-wife Amber Heard and her friends, his family and mate Paul Bettany, according to the Mail Online.

During an incident that allegedly took place in 2013, Roberts claimed that she once saw Depp pass out in front of his two children, Lily-Rose and Jack.

“Do you recall Mr. Depp passing out in the sand face first?” asked Heard’s legal counsel Elaine Bredehoft during her cross-examination.

Roberts replied: “I recall he was passed out on the beach, he was out on the beach.”

She also confirmed that Jack was present for the ordeal and detailed how she “picked [Depp] up, brushed him off” and left him beneath a hammock with his son.

The court also heard of another 2013 incident aboard Depp’s yacht, the Vajoliroja, which he later sold to author J.K Rowling.

Bredehoft asked Roberts whether she recalled an incident where Depp’s kids “were upset on the yacht and wanting to leave it immediately.” Roberts remembered the incident and detailed arranging transportation off the island for Heard and Lily-Rose while Jack chose to remain behind.

“Do you recall Lily-Rose saying to you she was upset because her father was drinking and he was trying to hide it from her?” Bredehoft asked – however an objection meant Roberts was unable to answer.

Bredehoft also tried to push Roberts for an answer regarding Heard allegedly covering up bruises with make-up.

“Do you believe Amber would cover up bruises to hide them from the kids?” she asked – which was objected to – and so she asked again: “Do you have any understanding whether she’d try to cover up bruises or cuts to keep them from the kids?”

This second question was also objected to.

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