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21st May 2022

Johnny Depp’s lawyer Camille Vasquez becomes new internet celebrity

Simon Bland

The California-based lawyer has become an unlikely TikTok hit

Johnny Depp’s lawyer Camille Vasquez has emerged as the latest viral talking point of the star’s ongoing defamation trial with his ex-wife Amber Heard.

Depp, 58, is currently suing his ex-partner Heard, 36, for $50m in damages following an article she wrote for The Washington Post that his lawyers claim defamed the Pirates of the Caribbean star. As a result, Heard is countersuing Depp for $100m – and the trial has been playing out publicly via live-streamed sessions over the last few weeks.

While it has so far seen plenty of headline-worthy topics discussed – from alleged faecal matter in a marital bed to claims of abuse – the latest talking point to rise from the courtroom appears to be Depp’s lawyer Vasquez.

Often spotted shooting out her quick-witted legal expertise, the 37-year-old University of Southern California graduate has become a viral sensation, with the hashtag #camillevasquez currently serving up around 980 million impressions on TikTok and countless videos, according to reports from The Guardian.

In fact, one video which features a super-cut of Vasquez firing out super-quick objections to Heard’s lead attorney Elaine Bredehoft has wracked up nearly 30 million views, with the on-screen caption simply stating “Where did this woman get her degree?”

Using research from higher education website Erudera, The Guardian also suggests that – in addition to becoming TikTok’s latest fascination – Google searches for Vasquez’s alma mater ‘Southwestern Law School’ have received a 1,820 per cent boost in recent days, while the BBC has reported on further videos that feature tee shirts featuring her name.

The viral video of Vasquez’s questioning has even led to countless parodies from her newfound social media fanbase, with many replicating her rapid style by posting videos of themselves interrupting friends and family members.

On Twitter, the Vasquez appreciation has been equally strong.

“Camille Vasquez will go down in history as one of the most competent and honourable lawyers of this era now” said one user. 

“yeah sex is cool but have you ever watched camille vasquez own elaine bredehoft with numerous objections at a 97%+ sustained rate??” joked another.

Currently an associate at Brown-Rudnick, Vasquez is one of nine attorneys involved in this trial and in 2021 was highlighted as a ‘One To Watch’ from Best Lawyer magazine.

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