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26th Aug 2021

Kabul airport attack: At least 60 people killed and 140 others wounded

Steve Hopkins

Boris Johnson labels attack ‘despicable’

At least 60 people were killed and 140 others wounded in the explosions at Kabul airport, a senior health official has told the BBC.

An Afghan interpreter who was working with the American forces has spoken to CBS.

“I just saw a lot of people got hurt and people that were laying on the ground,” he said.

“I saw a baby there and I went to her and I picked her up and started taking her to the hospital.”

“I took her to the hospital, but she died in my hands,” he said, estimating her age to be around five years old.

“That’s heart-breaking. What is going on right now is heart-breaking, this whole country has fallen apart.”

“I tried,” the interpreter continued. “I did my best to help her.”

As of yet, there have been no reported UK military or government casualties, the Ministry of Defence said.

“UK forces are working closely with our partners to provide security and medical assistance.”

US troops were said to be among the injured along with Taliban guards.

A US official told PA Media that the attack is “definitely believed” to have been carried out by the Islamic State group.

One explosion was said to have occurred near one of the airport’s entry gates, near the Baron hotel, where British troops and journalists have been staying. The second blast was followed by small arms fire, while the second one was by Abbey Gate.

Some media outlets said the explosion was caused by a suicide bomber blowing himself up in a canalway, but that has not been confirmed. Although, the Russian Foreign Ministry has stated so.

Alicia Kearns, a member of the foreign affairs and national security strategy committees, said there had been “many hurt”.

The Conservative MP tweeted earlier: “A bomb or attack with gunfire at northern gate of Baron’s Hotel. Worried this will devastate evacuation – so many hurt. My heart is with all those injured and killed.”

The explosion occurred just hours after western intelligence agencies warned of impending terrorist attacks and as Boris Johnson prepared to hold an emergency COBRA meeting Thursday afternoon.

The UK, the US and other nations have been moving to end the evacuations of tens of thousands of citizens ahead of the 31 August deadline.

US President Joe Biden was said to have been briefed on the explosion while he was meeting with security officials about the situation in Afghanistan, Reuters news agency reports.

Images said to be from the aftermath of the attack outside Kabul airport, posted to Twitter by Afghanistan’s Tolo news agency, appear to show injured people with bloodied clothes being moved in wheelbarrows.

Some of the pictures show men, women, and children – some with makeshift bandages around their heads – fleeing the scene.

This article was updated 19:46

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