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07th Feb 2022

Residents set to throw rotten eggs at Jeff Bezos’ superyacht as Rotterdam bridge is dismantled

Danny Jones

The council said they would never dismantle the bridge again after renovations in 2017

Rotterdam residents are planning to egg Jeff Bezos‘ superyacht as the city prepares to temporarily dismantle its historic bridge to allow the gigantic vessel to pass through.

Dutch locals are incensed that the iconic Koningshaven Bridge is reportedly going to have its central section removed in order to let the billionaire’s $485 million, 417ft yacht fit down the waterway.

Despite AFP reporting that the city’s mayor, Ahmed Aboutaleb, has said no decision has yet been made and that “not even an application for a permit” has been submitted, more than 13,500 people are interested in a Facebook event called ‘Throwing eggs at superyacht Jeff Bezos’.

Organised by a man named Pablo Strörmann, over 3,000 people are set to attend the event on June 1, where they will give the Amazon founder a piece of their mind. The description for the event reads: “Calling all Rotterdammers, take a box of rotten eggs with you and let’s throw them en masse at Jeff’s superyacht when it sails through the Hef in Rotterdam.”

Bezos’s boat – dubbed the Y721 – is currently being custom built in the nearby town of Alblasserdam and it remains unclear whether he will compensate the municipality if they dismantle the bridge.

The structure itself dates back to 1878 and was rebuilt after being bombed by the Nazis in 1940, and people are concerned that any work on it could cause damage.

The BBC noted the local council said the historic landmark “would never be dismantled again” after its most recent renovation in 2017 but as one displeased resident remarked, “money makes the world go round, eh?”.

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