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21st Sep 2021

Maddie McCann’s ex-GP mum Kate returns to work on NHS front line

Charlie Herbert

Kate McCann is ‘enjoying doing her little bit to help.’

The mother of Madeleine McCann, Kate, has returned to work for the NHS to help during the coronavirus pandemic.

Kate, who had worked as a GP up until 2007 when she quit to focus on the search into her missing daughter, is reportedly “delighted” to be back working and to have the opportunity to help the NHS in its fight against the pandemic.

More than 14 years on from the disappearance of her daughter Madeleine, Kate has apparently “thrown herself” back into full time work to “assist others in need,” even sometimes working at the same hospital as her husband Gerry, who is a cardiologist.

A family source told the Sun: “Kate’s back working as a doctor. She’s helping out at her local hospitals now and not doing any surgery work.

“She has thrown herself back into a full time job to assist others in need.

“There’s such a demand for qualified medics during these unprecedented times.

“Kate’s enjoying doing her little bit to help but we hardly ever see her and Gerry now. They are both so busy.”

Three-year-old Madeleine went missing in Portugal in May 2007, whilst on holiday with her family.

In June last year, police revealed that a 43-year-old German prisoner – named by the media as Christian B – was the main suspect in the case. He remains under investigation, which has been classed by German authorities as a murder inquiry.

So far, the investigation into her disappearance has cost around £12.5 million, with Kate and Gerry McCann having another £750,000 saved up to fund a private search should funding for the investigation end.

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