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30th Sep 2016

Making A Murderer star Steven Avery will be making his return to television next month

This will be fascinating

Carl Kinsella

Steven Avery, the subject of Netflix’s explosive documentary series Making A Murderer, will make his return to our screens next month.

Avery, who was ten years ago convicted of the murder of Teresa Halbach (having already served 18 years in prison for a sexual assault he didn’t commit), will appear on on Dr. Phil with his new fiancee Lynn Hartman whom he plans to marry upon his release from prison.

The Wisconsin man, now in his fifties, will be talking to the famous talk-show host over the course of two episodes.


Avery is currently serving a life sentence for the murder, but will have been buoyed by the recent decision to overturn the conviction of his nephew Brendan Dassey who had been in prison for the same crime. Dassey will be released from prison some time before the year is out.

Avery will sit down with Dr. Phil McGraw in his studio and discuss life in prison and his hopes for a return to the outside world. It’s the sort of candid insight fans of the show will have been crying out for since its dramatic conclusion.

“The truth is coming out, and sooner or later all the truth will come out,” Avery insisted in the interview. We can’t wait to see it.