A top bloke doing top things
Legend of the week goes to the UK man who managed to carry an entire fridge up Mount Snowdon in order to raise money for charity. Simply inspiring stuff.
Michael Copeland from Stafford has managed to raise over £4,000 for mental health charity Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) by carrying a fridge up Snowdon – the biggest mountain in Wales, third-biggest in Britain and the highest point in the UK, outside of Scotland.

The ex-serviceman completed the incredible feat in just five hours, keeping up a “good pace” and described the moment he reached the peak as overwhelming. “When I got to the top… I just broke down. I fell to one knee and shed a few tears and everyone was cheering and clapping”, he told BBC Radio Stoke.
He went on to say “it was amazing the amount of people that came out and supported”, thanking them for their support on the day and for helping him raise over 90 per cent of his total £4,500 target already.