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11th Nov 2021

Man ‘cuts off both his legs under train’ to claim huge insurance payout

Charlie Herbert

The incident took place in Hungary in 2014

A court in Hungary has determined that a man deliberately lay down in front of a train in order to claim a huge insurance payout.

The man, named only as Sandor Cs, lay down in front of the train in 2014 to claim a £2.4m insurance payout.

As a result, he had both of his legs amputated from the knee down.

The 54-year resident of the Hungarian village of Nyircsaszari is claimed to have climbed onto the tracks so a train would run over both of his legs.

He has been wheelchair-bound ever since.

Cs insisted he was innocent and that he ended up on the tracks because he stepped on a shard of glass, causing him to lose his balance and fall in front of a train departing the station.

The court heard that in the year leading up to the incident, Cs took out 14 high-risk life insurance policies. He claimed this was because he had received financial advice telling him he should.

A court has now handed the man a two-year suspended prison sentence and an order to pay £4,725 in legal costs.

The Pest Central District Court made the ruling on November 9 – seven years after Cs. lost his legs.

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