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25th Jan 2022

Man dies three days ‘after GP sent him home and threatened to strike him from surgery list’

Danny Jones

His body was found by his brother on Boxing Day

A man was found lying dead on his bedroom floor just three days after he was turned away by his GP who claimed there was “no need” for him to be there.

Raymond Scougall, 40, visited his local practice in Glasgow on December 23 to report desperate amounts of pain from a hernia he had suffered with for years. He sadly passed away just three days later after being found by his brother on Boxing Day.

Raymond and brother Gary were stabbed during an incident nine years ago; both required surgery and while Gary recovered successfully from the operation, Raymond’s involved multiple complications and underwent five subsequent operations to try and fix the hernia.

At the time of the appointment, Raymond told his doctor he was in desperate need of treatment and pain relief but was given neither and even threatened with being removed from the list of patients registered at the practice.

A letter from the GP was sent to Raymond’s address on Christmas Eve but was only received by his family after his death. As observed in the Daily Record, a note from Midlock Medical Centre in Govan read as follows:

“You attended our surgery on December 23.

“There was no reason for your attendance and when asked to leave you swore and were offensive to our office manager.

“Repetition of this behaviour will result in your removal from our list.”

Gary went on to tell the outlet that Raymond had been neglected for some time and that “By the time he died, Raymond’s hernia was the size of a baby’s head coming out his stomach.” His brother added: “he was in agony and it looked like the mesh was coming out his stomach. He had to clean out the hole in his stomach himself every day.’

Mum Christina told the outlet that a post-mortem of his body revealed that his death was, in fact, “caused by a loss of blood after his hernia burst through his stomach wall.”

The practice has been reached out to for comment but is yet to issue a response.

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