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07th Apr 2022

Man reports drug dealers to cops after being sold celery instead of weed

Charlie Herbert

Even the police found it funny

A man in Indonesia complained to the police after he was scammed into buying celery instead of weed. And like everyone else, they found it pretty funny

In an undeniably amusing video shared on Instagram, police officers speaking to the man can be heard laughing as he unfurls the package, revealing celery and grass, but not the type he was after.

Even the man looks like he can see the funny side of the situation.

The amusing incident took place at the Palembang police station in South Sumatra on March 28.

In the video the man, who claims to be a motorcycle taxi rider, says he brought the ‘weed’ for  50,000 Rupiah ($3.49), only to find out that it was just “ordinary leaves.”

After a fair amount of laughter, the officers inform the man that possessing weed is a crime. But police commissioner Mario Invanry told local media that in the end, they decided to let the man go.

There is precedent for this sort of scam in Indonesia though.

In June 2016, the country’s narcotics agency arrested a dealer in West Java on suspicion of trafficking illegal drugs. But when they found two packets of dried leaves on him and sent these off for testing, they found that they weren’t in fact weed.

And earlier this year, intelligence officers found two men in Medan, North Sumatra, who claimed to be selling methamphetamine.

However, further examination of their ‘produce’ found that the three kilograms of white powder they had on them was actually just table salt. They still ended up being arrested though.

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