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16th Oct 2021

Matt Hancock loses job with United Nations

Charlie Herbert

Just days ago the former health secretary tweeted that he was “honoured” to accept a role with the UN.

The United Nations has said that Matt Hancock’s appointment as a special representative is “not being taken forward.”

Earlier this week, it was reported that the former Health Secretary was set to be appointed as the “UN special representative on financial innovation and climate change for the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa”.

But it now seems that the UN have had a change of heart on the matter, with a spokesperson for the organisation telling PassBlue: “Mr. Hancock’s appointment by the UN Economic Commission for Africa is not being taken forward. ECA has advised him of the matter.”

After the news of his appointment, Hancock had said he was “honoured.”

He tweeted: “Honoured to be appointed United Nations Special Representative.

“I’ll be working with the UN and UN Economic Commission for Africa to help African economic recovery from the pandemic and promote sustainable development.”


Hancock had shared a letter from Vera Songwe, the Under-Secretary-General of the UN, in which Songwe praised him for his “success on the UNited Kingdom’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.”

This was on the same day that a report from British lawmakers was released which criticised the UK government for its handling of the pandemic, a time when Hancock was health secretary.

The appointment had attracted criticism from many, including organisation Global Justice Now. They tweeted: “Matt Hancock blocked international efforts to allow low and middle income countries to produce their own Covid-19 vaccines, leading to millions of global south deaths.

“The audacity of this man claiming to help African nations and promote sustainable development is sickening.”

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