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04th Mar 2022

Microsoft “suspending all sales” of products and services in Russia

Danny Jones

More and more companies are pulling out of Russia

Microsoft has announced that is it “suspending all sales” of products and services in Russia amid the ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

Speaking in a statement on the official company blog, president and vice-chair Brad Smith said, “Like the rest of the world, we are horrified, angered and saddened by the images and news coming from the war in Ukraine and condemn this unjustified, unprovoked and unlawful invasion by Russia.

“We are announcing today that we will suspend all new sales of Microsoft products and services in Russia”, going on to add that they are working with US, UK and EU leaders to operate “in compliance with governmental sanctions decisions.”

This comes not long after Ukraine’s vice prime minister Mykhailo Fedorov called on the computing giant and Xbox manufacturer, along with the likes of PlayStation, to take action following President Putin’s decision to invade the country.

He also called on a number of game developers to close their studios located in Russia.

This means that not only will new purchases of Microsoft’s various operating systems and subscription-based services be banned but Xbox consoles, laptops and tablets under the Microsoft umbrella will be discontinued in Russia for the foreseeable.

Smith went on to address the concern for the safety of his employees in Ukraine, insisting they are in “constant contact with them to offer support in many forms, including those who have needed to flee for their lives or safety.”

Only a few days ago, he tweeted about how the company was already working towards protecting Ukraine from “cyberattacks and internet-based disinformation campaigns”, declaring that they are committed to providing “humanitarian assistance”.

The tech giants are, of course, not the only ones to have taken similar steps in recent days: following numerous sanctions – many of which are still to be imposed – dozens if not hundreds of companies and corporations have cut ties with Russia

Not only are supermarkets even said to be pulling Russian vodka brands from their shelves but within the gaming and tech world, EA swiftly removed all Russian teams from FIFA 22 in solidarity with Ukraine.

As Smith concluded in his statement, global organisations are now “calling for the restoration of peace” and taking steps to increase the economic pressure on Putin’s regime. Let’s hope this is the start of the end of this war.

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